
7777 Pixel Puffins living on the Solana blockchain

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Pixel Puffins is a collection of 7777 unique puffins made from over 75 traits of varying rarities giving each Puffin its own identity.


Stage 1

Completion of art and marketing in preparation for our mint. 

Stage 2

Mint!!! 7777 Puffins will be available for minting at a price of 0 SOL each.

Stage 3

Listings on secondary marketplaces. We aim to get listed as soon as possible after mint.

Stage 4

We will be integrating Grape protocol into the Discord to allow us to verify Puffin holders and build our community for the future.


Mint is planned for 16/11/2021. We advise joining our discord to stay up to date with any changes!

Minting a Pixel Puffin cost 0 Sol, you just need to pay Solana fees (~0.02 SOL)

7777 Pixel Puffins exist in the collection.

We will be using Candy machine like most Solana nfts, this means that all you need is a Solana wallet with enough SOL to cover fees, we recommend Phantom, Solflare or Sollet.

We will be securing as many secondary marketplaces as possible which will launch after all Puffins have been minted.